Did you know that there are over 450 books in our library, so something for everyone. Many are specific to Victoria or Australian and some are hard to find items. These are free to borrow as part of your HSOV membership.
Here is just a select few of the titles you can borrow. Please download the full list to explore even more.
A Barefoot Doctor’s Manual (Guide to traditional Chinese Medicine.) | The Barefoot Doctor |
A History of Herbal Plants (Botany, history and folklore combine to make this an Interesting account of herbs.) | Richard Le Srange |
A Modern Herbal | Mrs M. Grieves |
A Physician’s Posy (An alphabetical posy with its better known remedies.) | Dr D. Shepherd |
An Australia Herbal (Well compiled with particular interest to Australians.) | Penny Woodward |
Australian Bush Flower Essences (History, purpose and making of Aust. Bush essences.) | Ian White |
Dyemaking with Australian Flora (200 different items for wool dyeing) | Handweavers and Spinners Guild of Victoria |
Evening Primrose Oil (The story of the remarkable evening primrose.) | Judy Graham |
Herbs for Health | John & Rosemary Hemphill |
Home Made Wines (How to make wines, beers, and ales) | Peggy Hutchinson/Mary Woodman |
How to grow Golden Seal in Australia | Tony Hosemans |
In Praise of Parsley | Compiled by Guy Cooper & Gordon Taylor |
Mice Don’t like Spearmint (Many interesting facets of gardening) | Margaret Knight |
Pest Repellent Plants | Penny Woodward |
Plants of the Merri Merri (A home gardener’s guide to using indigenous plants of the Northern Suburbs of Melbourne. | Friends of Merri Creek. |
The Encyclopaedia of Herbs and Herbalism 350 colour plates, 190 drawings, comprehensive Reference. | Malcolm Stuart |
The Golden Age of Herbs & Herbalists | Rosetta E. Clarkson |
The Herb Tea Book | Dorothy Hall |
The Kitchen Gardens at Heligan: Lost Gardening Principles rediscovered. | Tom Petherick |
The Potted Herb (For people with limited space, topiary) | Abbie Zabar |
Traditional Bush Medicine | Northern Territory Aboriginal Communities |
Useful Wild Plants in Australia (A host of practical uses for native flora) | A.B. & J.W. Cribb |