Tussie Mussie Workshop
When: Sunday 19 March 2023
Time: 11am start.
Where: Sugar Gum table at Burnley Gardens (near the Herb Garden). Back up room in Main Building, in case of bad weather.
Burnley Gardens are at 500 Yarra Boulevard, Richmond on the grounds of the Melbourne University Burnley campus.
Expected Duration: 2 hours
plus option to stay for a shared BYO lunch afterwards
- Free for HSOV and FOBG members
- Non-members $20
- Bring Herbs/flowers/foliage to share for making Tussie Mussies.
- BYO lunch, preferably a plate to share after the workshop
Bookings for this event using the Try Booking on-line system.
Bookings are essential as numbers are limited for this event.
Tussie Mussies are such an integral part of the Herb Society of Victoria, as we gift one to our guest presenters at monthly events, and they are occasionally available as raffle prizes too.
Tussie Mussies are small posies of herbs and flowers with a long history. Apart from being beautiful, they provide sweet smells, can be a means to gift herbs and flowers, or a way to convey messages using the language of flowers or they can simply to make us smile!
The workshop will provide an overview of the history and a lesson in how to make your own Tussie Mussies for yourself or as a lovely ‘thankyou’, ‘get better soon’ or ‘thinking of you’ gift for friends and family.
This will be a very co-operative experience, dependent of everyone bringing contributions for the Tussies to share. And of course, you get to take home your Tussie Mussies. Expect it to be very hands on and, we hope, a lot of fun! 😊
Herbs, flowers and foliage to bring include (but not limited to) thyme, savory, hyssop, rosemary, lemon verbena, sage, scented geranium foliage, geranium flowers, lavender flowers and foliage, wallflowers, daisies, scented mints, marjoram, billy buttons, carnations, love-in-a-mist, cornflowers, calendula, or anything from the garden that looks or smells good and lasts a while once cut. Try to keep stems long enough for a posie and buds last longer than full booms. Smaller flowers are usually better, but it is truly surprising what can be used.